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LEF Board
The LEF board is made up of volunteers who give their time and talent to further the LEF’s mission of supporting Ladue School District students, families, staff, and the community. Our board volunteers have a wide range of career and life experiences, and that knowledge is drawn upon to help the organization reach its goals.
Andrea Bezzant
Jill Crane
Allocations Chair
Emily Haas
Communication Chair
Carolyn Jaeger
Julie Notario
Jodi Minkler
Liz Little '84
Alumni Council President
Anisha Coleman Bonty '96
Charles Mems '02
Marion Lochmoeller Schulte '93
Brian Tash '00
Aaron Early
Suzy Bronska Furlong '77
Business & Community Partnerships Chair
Melissa Garza
Mike Minkler '88
Lynn Eschenbacher
Ann VonAllmen
Carol Weisman '67
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